We are small team of public-interest technologists — engineers, designers, product managers — who come to this work eager to solve problems at the intersection of tech and social change.


Mollie Ruskin

Partner for Product
& Organizing

Stephanie Bennaugh

Chief of Staff

Tania Lee

Senior Product Management Lead,
Trestle Labs

Nikunj Shah

Senior Engineering Lead,
Trestle Labs

Eric Ferrer-Vaughn

Product Manager
& Tech Mentorship Program Co-Lead

Esha Rakhit

Product Manager
& Tech Mentorship Program Co-Lead

Zareena Meyn

Development Director

Sunil Sadasivan

Partner for Engineering
& Security

Xena Ni

Partner for Design
& Movement Tech

Jared Getzoff

Senior Engineer
& Uptime Lead

Trestle is made up of a small core team that collaborates with a rich and diverse community of 130+ technology advisors and consultants from private sector, political and progressive organizing and public-interest start ups.

Under our collective belts are leadership roles at a 2020 presidential campaign, a Presidential Innovation Fellowship, the U.S. Digital Service, Code for America, Buffer, Nava, Propel, the Washington Post, International Rescue Committee, Vanguard, NYU and the Uptime2020 initiative.

At the cross-section of each of these is the common endeavor of bringing thoughtful, systems-responsive and people-centered 21st century technology practices to critical issues of the day. We are a women and BIPOC-led team deeply committed to building an inclusive pipeline of collaborators.

Outside of working hours, we are artists, garden & pet lovers, mutual aid organizers, parents, care givers, sci-fi nerds and Beyonce stans, of course.


We are a scrappy young organization, and as we build, we’re looking to these values to shape how we grow:

  1. Equity, justice and liberation are paramount — to who we are, how we work and what we work for;

  2. Approach challenges with a humble, curious and collaboration mindset;

  3. Seek to add value without seeking credit;

  4. Surface the truth, through thoughtful & empathetic ways;

  5. Do no harm — seek to understand implications and impacts and tread with care;

  6. Don’t take ourselves too seriously — enjoy the work, the people and the mishaps along the way.